Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Ides of March....

are here, and not yet gone! This past week's training has been of the March coming in like a Lion King variety - windy ass runs. Runs that are really more of a strength training session. Runs where you cannot tell if you are breathing, because the wind is snatching your breath away so fast. Runs where you feel as if you are not moving even though your little legs are just pumping away. Yeah, those kind of runs.

Also a moody week as I feel SO fat and SO slow despite everything. Well, ok I haven't been eating perfectly and when is the last time I have weight trained or been in the pool- OK so I am fat and slow for a reason. But I don't absolutely dread going our for a run like I dread putting on a suit and worrying about how many bodies will be in a lane of water.

I put in a pretty good long run on Sunday and tried testing out my fully filled fuel belt with honey water. It worked well - almost too well, as I believe I put too much honey in one of my bottles, it was TOO good! and with the wind at my back for the return 5 miles I had negative splits all the way back so haHA!

I have a running buddy that I meet once a week at 6 am- I know for the rest of the running world that is late. Yo, for me getting up at 5 something to get to the track on time (which I do about 70% of the time) is HUGE. Anyway, we put in pretty good time on the track and each week I manage to do killer(for me) times on our runs with negative splits for each mile. I always feel like I could do a bit more, but I always wind up driving home with just enough time to slam in and out the shower to get back out to eth train for work on time.

I know in the weeks ahead I have to continue with hill and speed work - or whatever that constitutes for me. I wish I had started training for the half earlier, but I do feel like I will finish without dying. That counts for something, dunnit?

Total mileage last week: 22

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